Wonderful websites:

This area will be devoted to websites I have found helpful. To be alerted when new sites are added please subscribe below.

Here are my top picks for this month:

  1. https://www.understood.org/ - This website offers support for parents and teachers and has many free resources to help students that struggle. It is not specific to homeschooling but provides some good information about special learning issues and strategies to help children who learn differently. You will need to be selective in what resources are helpful, but there is some excellent information available.

  2. https://www.additudemag.com/ This website is a true gem! It will be especially helpful to parents who have children with ADD/ ADHD but it also has information on many other common learning issues. It is packed with suggestions and strategies. You will find many free resources and webinars. They also publish a very helpful magazine.

  3. https://www.birds.cornell.edu/ - This is an AMAZING site! This is a great resource for nature study and in particular bird watching. I highly recommend the K-12 educational section. They have many free resources to help families get started with Citizen Science, as well as suggestions for at home activities.

  4. http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/dictionary.html - This free site has many charts and math terms and can be useful regardless of which Math program you are using.

  5. https://saintjosephspress.net/ - This is a small Catholic print shop that offers beautiful holy cards, stickers, and much more! They will make special items by request.

  6. https://www.catholicbrain.com - We love this website! It offers a short saint of the day video, as well as the daily readings, and so much more! It is a fun to take a few minutes to watch as a family in the mornings.


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